

Research Center

  • Health psychology and psycho-correction (рукО.С. Васильева);
  • Psychogenetics and applied psychophysiology (Vorobyeva Elena V., Dr., Professor, Head)
  • Psychophysiology and neuropsychology of higher mental functions (Ermakov Pavel N., Dr., Professor, Head);
  • Countering the ideology of extremism and terrorism among young people (Abakumova Irina V., Dr., Professor, Head)
  • Innovative technologies of realization of individual educational routes (Diagnostics. Development. Correction) (Skuratovskaya Marina L., Dr., Professor, Head)
  •  Lifelong learning (Fedotova Olga D., Dr., Professor, Head)

Scientific, Cultural and Educational Center "Russia-Japan"

Educational and Methodological Center for the Prevention of Terrorism and Extremism

Research laboratory “Experimental psychology”

Russian Psychological Journal